Udichi Shilpi Gosthi


Udichi Services

Udichi has established a comprehensive platform for South Asian artists (artists from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Pakistan) living in the UK. It has also created a successful network with artists from Africa, the Caribbean, Latin America, Spain, Ireland, Cyprus and China.

Udichi provides value for money and high quality performances at large or small-scale art festivals and events. It has extensive experience of organising workshops on music, dance, theatre, and literature.

Udichi can assist other arts organisations by advising on essential matters like publicity, marketing and technical aspects of event management.

Many of Udichi artists are professionals and renowned in their own fields. With the help of them Udichi runs regular music, dance, theatre and literature lessons and workshops across London.

Brady Arts and Community Centre 192-196 Hanbury Street London E1 5HU
Tel. 020 7375 3781 / 020 7375 3689 / 07888 695602 E-mail: info@udichiuk.org